Asked March 13, 2025, 10:55 AM EDT
i'm working on making our property a working farm. i would like to start with fruit/nut trees/shrubs. in researching the various chill hours and disease resistance, i just get turned around. Do you have a list of cultivars that work will in St. Mary's county? I'm looking at apple, pear, mulberry, maybe tart and sweet cherry and hazelnut/current/elderberry? the property is hardpan clay, so I'm hoping to start with a contour line at the top of the field, creating a Bearn/swale type protection. my final vision is a series of small working food forests that i can invite the public to come and learn about how to plan/create their own sustainable food. i had been hoping for grants to improve the soil, but i fear that ship has sailed, but i'm super excited about this project and welcome any and all advice. i will be taking EVERY course you have on your site :) thank you so much for your time!
St. Mary's County Maryland