
Trees or shrubs to block noise but not view #894349

Asked March 13, 2025, 5:20 PM EDT

I am looking for a species of trees or shrubs/hedge that are hardy in Denver area, will fill in existing open spaces to create a soundscreen from the street but not grow to large (or can be pruned to avoice blocking the view of the mountains. There are 3 areas of my yard that I need to do this: West facing fence, north east facing, and south facing.

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

There are several options for hedging, or you can plant tall shrubs closer together to form a hedge. You didn't mention if you have fencing or what the irrigation method is. I don't know what “too large” would be, so small trees might be an option also. There's also the possibility for evergreen or deciduous trees, but you didn't mention a preference.

Below is a link to CSU Fact Sheets that you can review, and each has height and width specifications for:
  • Hedges
  • Deciduous Shrubs
  • Deciduous Trees: Small
  • Evergreen Shrubs
  • Evergreen Trees
  • Columnar and Fastigiate Trees

Each tree on the Fact Sheet will have “water needs” and an “exposure” along with other plant characteristics. Anything that faces west or south will be full sun. East may be full sun or part shade, and north facing areas are generally part shade or shade.

If you have questions about specific plants, you can call the Arapahoe County Master Gardener Office at <personal data hidden> and speak to a Master Gardener. It may also be worth your time, money, and effort to contact a landscape designer to help you pick the appropriate plants. Selecting the wrong plant and placing it in the wrong place can create a host of problems, be a waste of money, and not be the right solution to the problem you are trying to solve. You can find landscape designers here:
Donnetta Wilhelm Colorado Master Gardener Replied March 14, 2025, 5:59 PM EDT

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