
Should I spray this moss on our tree? #894348

Asked March 13, 2025, 5:14 PM EDT

We have a cherished specimen tree in our yard. We believe it is a Japanese Dogwood. (We call it the Wedding Cake Tree.) It has four petal white flowers in early spring. It is increasingly affected by moss. Is this a danger? Should we spray it to remove moss? If so, what spray should we use?

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Tracy and thanks for your question about the moss on your tree. The first picture did not come through, but I can tell you that moss does not harm a tree. Moss has no roots and can actually preserve moisture during early dry spells. If you find it unsightly (this is Oregon, moss is everywhere once you start looking) you can pull or scrape it off gently.

If moss is growing on already dead branches you can certainly prune them off. It just takes a little mind adjustment to realize that the beautiful green we see everywhere this time of year is mostly moss, cleaning the air, the water, and giving us oxygen as well. The birds love to pull it off in patches to check for insect food underneath. I guess you can tell I love moss and hope you can see the benefits of just enjoying it as well.

Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied March 14, 2025, 3:39 PM EDT

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