Voodoo Lily #894336
Asked March 13, 2025, 3:54 PM EDT
Cuyahoga County Ohio
Expert Response
Hi Barry,
Thank you for the question. The Voodoo Lillies thrive in partial to full shade and they must have felt really at home in your crawl space! The moisture that they need must have been supplied there. You are correct in not taking them outside. Projected last frost date for your area is May 5, 2025.
You can leave them there or take them out making sure you have the whole plant and repot them in some good soil. Care for them as you would if they were outside. If you have access to a screened porch type of structure you can use that to protect them from frost season in the spring.
For further assistance visit or call the OSU Extension for Cuyahoga county. It is located at 12200 Fairhill Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Phone is<personal data hidden>. For online information go to which is a library of landscape, vegetable and other agricultural information.
I hope I have been helpful. Happy gardening.
Mike Heys, Franklin County Master Gardener