
crabgrass #894303

Asked March 13, 2025, 11:32 AM EDT

What ingredients and percentage should i look for in a preemergent crabgrass preventer?

Medina County Ohio

Expert Response

Ahh, the time of year to start thinking about our lawns! You want to use the below link for the Growing Degree Days (GDD Tracker) to find the best date to put down the pre-emergent. Just enter your zip code and you will find the date range that is best (optimal) for your area. The reason is that you want to put down the herbicide BEFORE the seeds germinate. Germination is based on the temperature of the soil to a depth of 2 inches. Once you apply the herbicide, it needs to be thoroughly watered into the soil either through rain or you watering your lawn.

GDD Tracker 4.0 - Turf Pest Management Tracking and Alerts with Growing Degree Day Models for Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio - Project initiated by Michigan State University

As far as chemicals, or ingredients, the chemicals listed below are best for crabgrass. Visit your local garden center to see what brands contain the listed chemical(s).

  • Effective pre-emergent herbicides include:
    • Pendimethalin
    • Prodiamine
    • Benefin
    • Bensulide
    • Dithiopyr
Please keep in mind that THE LABEL IS THE LAW (I'm not yelling at you). Yes, there is a law that reads you are required to use the chemical for what is intended. Please use Pers,onal Protection Equipment (PPE), such as gloves, masks (for eyes, nose, and mouth), long pants & sleeves, when applying chemicals.

Enjoy your lawn this spring & summer!!
Karen M Replied March 13, 2025, 5:18 PM EDT

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