
invasive plants #894299

Asked March 13, 2025, 11:25 AM EDT

Is English Ivy considered invasive. On one hand I see articles about planting, and in another saying it is invasive. We have ivy in several locations and are considering removing it. We like its appearance and not sure how much of a nuisance it poses to the surrounding area.

Ottawa County Michigan

Expert Response

I would not recommend planting English Ivy, or keeping it.

While it isn't currently listed as an invasive in Michigan laws, it is considered invasive by many ecologists, foresters, and conservation groups. It can reproduce asexually through stem parts and can also spread via seeds once the plants are established and mature. These seeds can then be spread by birds. It has a tendency to blanket areas, outcompeting other plants and even killing trees.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 14, 2025, 12:04 PM EDT

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