
Application Processes #894241

Asked March 12, 2025, 3:18 PM EDT

What is the link to apply to the master gardener program in DC? I left my name and ward on a site, but now I see the application process is over. Help! Thanks, Dave

District of Columbia County District of Columbia

Expert Response

Hello Dave,

Thanks for your interest in the master gardener program. I checked the UDC website and didn't see a cut-off date to apply. There is a form on the site to complete in order to be notified of when to apply. I suggest that you reach out to Allison Schneiderman, the coordinator directly, at Allison<personal data hidden>. Note that there are 2 intakes per year, spring and fall, and it can be quite competitive to get accepted into the program (it took me 4 tries!) because they limit the numbers per ward.

Good luck!

Lesley for UDC master gardener online program

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 12, 2025, 4:41 PM EDT

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