
Planting Bulbs Now? #894234

Asked March 12, 2025, 2:33 PM EDT

Hello! I have some bulbs that I meant to plant in the fall, but never got around to. They have been on my unwinterized porch all season. They are tulips, narcissus, and crocuses. What would you recommend I do with them? Compost them, plant them, or keep them in my basement for next fall?

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for your question for Extension. It is too late to plant bulbs for this spring bloom because they need at least 12-13 weeks of cold for blooming. This is why bulbs are planted in the fall, so they get the cold treatment in the soil in winter.  Here is some information from Extension about bulbs:

Plant fall bulbs now for a colorful spring garden | UMN Extension

You do not need to throw away your bulbs! You could try to grow them indoors after cold exposure in your refrigerator or other cold area in your house. Here are the specific instructions to grow them indoors and might be fun to try!

 Growing bulbs indoors | UMN Extension

Have fun and good luck!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 13, 2025, 4:15 PM EDT

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