
Do you have any advice in getting rid of marmolated brown stink bugs in yard? #894210

Asked March 12, 2025, 12:56 PM EDT

Hi, I live in Bath, Michigan near Park Lake and am having issues with the brown shield bugs getting into my furnace and clogging up the vents. Can you give me any methods I can do to get rid of this pest from my yard, it's costing me money with the furnace repairs. Thanks.

Clinton County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi, thanks for contacting Ask Extension.

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) can be a pest in the garden and a nuisance in the home.  Looking for a place to spend the winter, they find their way in through small openings.  Plugging these openings can keep them out.  Once inside you can use one of many tactics such as vacuuming them up, hand collecting, light traps, et al then drowning them water.  Using insecticides inside the home is not recommended. Check out the following links for more information: 

Microsoft Word - bmsbtipsheet.docx

Stink Bugs

Managing brown marmorated stink bugs in homes - Gardening in Michigan

I hope this is helpful.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 13, 2025, 5:41 PM EDT

Hi, thank you for your reply. 

My issue is the stink bugs keep getting in the vents for my furnace and cause costly blockages.  I don't really have any way of sealing these vents as they are needed to expel gasses from the furnace.  So I'm really looking for more of ways to get rid of them in my yard so they can't get into the furnace.  Do you have any suggestions for what I may be able to do for this situation?

The Question Asker Replied March 13, 2025, 6:31 PM EDT

Hi again,

Getting rid of the BMSB in your yard can be a challenge. They can fly relatively long distances so anything you do outside will probably only be effective for a short period of time. Pesticides are probably not an option since they are usually short lived and may kill natural predators.  Additionally, unless your neighbors are also controlling BMSB, you will probably still have a problem.  

What can you do? Darken the House, Stink bugs are attracted to light, so keeping your home dark can help reduce their attraction. Limit outdoor lighting at night, especially near your furnace vents.  There are screens that can put on the vents to prevent the pests from entering vents; however, they would have to be monitored and cleaned to prevent inadequate air flow.  Contact your HVAC service, these should only be installed by a professional to insure safe operation of the furnace.

Here's an additional link about BMSB:

Biology and Management of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Ornamental Landscapes | UGA Cooperative Extension

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 14, 2025, 10:46 AM EDT

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