
Need Advice on Plantings for a New Home in Douglas MI #894208

Asked March 12, 2025, 12:44 PM EDT

Hi, I'm moving to Douglas MI from Chicago and will have to learn a whole new plant environment controled by the deer that are prolific in my area. Looking for a master gardener or someone who would be willing to work with me in reviewing my landscape plans and provide advice. Willing to pay for this. Thx, Pam

Allegan County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello  Pam

How exciting!  Douglas is a beautiful area. It is always a challenge to create a landscape when surrounded by deer!  Just know that there will be trial and error involved. Deer are curious creatures, especially the young ones and often they will sample plants that they are not even supposed to like!!  There are certainly lists of plants that deer avoid or are less likely to feed on. And even when a tag says ‘ deer proof’ it may not necessarily be true in all settings. Fences are a great deterrent. There are also deer sprays that i would recommend using especially when an area is newly planted in order to discourage them from investigating. This does require diligence and some expense however. 
Once you have your plans in place we are happy to make suggestions based on your typography, soil type, sun and shade levels and so forth and feel free to send in more specific questions. 

We do not charge for our services but we merely offer suggestions and do not develop actual landscape designs. 

All the best. 

Hello,  Replied March 13, 2025, 1:18 PM EDT

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