Canning Onions - Ask Extension
I have a 50 pound bag of red onions. I wish to can them. All recipes for raw onions use 1" onions. Is there a way to can larger onions that are d...
Canning Onions #888651
Asked October 24, 2024, 11:39 AM EDT
I have a 50 pound bag of red onions. I wish to can them. All recipes for raw onions use 1" onions. Is there a way to can larger onions that are diced? Thank you
Bay County Michigan
Expert Response
Hi Richard,
Unfortunately, there is not. Onions would turn to mush and then become too dense in the jar to be safe to can. The heat process would not safely reach the center of the jar to kill any potential bacteria. However, you can dice them and freeze them. Just make sure to open the package when thawing or add them frozen to the dish you are cooking. Onions when frozen are only good for cooking. Once again, they turn to mush, but still add great flavor.
I hope this helps!
Thank you
Karen Fifield
Extension Educator
Food Safety