Hazelnut seed viability - Ask Extension
I've purchased a small collection of American Hazelnut seeds for planting from two different vendors. In both cases 9 out of 10 seeds floated when pla...
Hazelnut seed viability #850962
Asked September 22, 2023, 7:54 PM EDT
I've purchased a small collection of American Hazelnut seeds for planting from two different vendors. In both cases 9 out of 10 seeds floated when placed in water. All of the floating seeds are very light in weight. I randomly selected one of the floating nuts and cracked it open, in order to view the actual kernel. I found it to be shriveled up and dried out. My question(s) to you are simply: 1)Is it normal for the Hazelnut kernel to be all dried out and shriveled up? And 2) is the state of the kernel's size and moister content, true indicators of its viability? I've enclosed a picture, showing the Floaters and the Kernel in question.
Wayne County Michigan
Expert Response
I was unable to find specific research about viability based on the moisture content. I was able to find some propagation protocols for hazelnut. It seems that they are typically refrigerated immediately after harvesting to preserve them. Actual viability can't be assessed by the float test, but it can help remove damaged hazelnuts or those that are extremely unlikely to sprout. Hazelnuts are similar in structure to acorns from oak trees. Once an acorn has shriveled to the level that your hazelnuts have, they are unlikely to be viable. It may be easier to purchase small seedlings from a native plant nursery as they will be able to plant the hazelnut seeds immediately after harvest.