
False dandelion/cats ear/flat weed control #825080

Asked April 10, 2023, 6:52 PM EDT

Hello, with the last two very hot dry summers, we have seen an explosion of false dandelion, which is toxic to horses. This was identified by my vet after one of our horses had eaten it. Can you give me guidance on the product to use, coverage and timing to eradicate this but spare the grass?

Linn County Oregon

Expert Response

We're approaching a good time for herbicide use to control false dandelion (Hypochaeris radicata) and other weeds in your pasture. You will want to use a selective broadleaf herbicide. It will not damage the grass plants if applied according to the product's label but will damage/kill clover and other broadleaf plants, some of which may be desirable in your pasture.  I've written this article about Hypochaeris radicata with management strategies included.
Managing Hypochaeris radiata May Prevent Stringhalt Disease in Horses
This link will take you to the list of approved herbicides for pastures along with best timing and use for each.
Wait until the ground dries out some (no standing water) before applying.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Feel free to contact me directly at <personal data hidden> or<personal data hidden>.
Melissa Fery Replied April 11, 2023, 1:11 PM EDT

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