Can I keep a branch of a fallen tree that is blooming now alive and turn it into a new tree? #746472
Asked April 26, 2021, 9:22 PM EDT
Cuyahoga County Ohio
Expert Response
Thank you for your question! I think your idea to take the sprouting branches and propagate new trees is a wonderful idea, and it is indeed possible!
Take cuttings, remove most leaves, and dip the stem in a rooting hormone such as Rootone - There are several brands available. Put into pots with good soil and wait until you see new grow and roots. Here is an informative article that explains in detail how to propagate stems.
Here is an older article about the rate of survival for the sprouts. I'd try to propagate twice as many cuttings as you need to ensure enough survive. The second part of the article deals with soft wood cutting which is what you'll be dealing with.
Here is an article about American basswood trees with general information.
I wish you the best in preserving parts of your beautiful tree!