
Emerald Ash Borer #717972

Asked August 26, 2020, 5:39 PM EDT

What treatment is effective for a tree infected with the Emerald Ash Borer?

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

While the Emerald Ash Borer has not been found within Denver yet, we are advising individuals with ash trees to have a plan. We are advising homeowners to:

  1. Contact an arborist and create a plan to start treatment now or sometime in the near future.
  2. Find a replacement tree to plant nearby to replace the ash tree when it is attacked by EAB
  3. Remove the tree. We are encouraging homeowners to consider the cost of removal vs. the cost of treatment as removing large trees can be costly.

  Here are two guides to help you decide what to do with your ash tree(s):

 EAB-Decision Guide:

 Ultimately, it is up to every homeowner to decide when to start treatment which will have to be continued for the life of the tree.

Here is the city of Denver's EAB website:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 28, 2020, 5:54 PM EDT

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