Pencil Point juniper needles - Ask Extension
Are the needles on the "Pencil Point" variety of juniper soft-ish or prickly? If prickly, are they too prickly to touch with bare hands? Thank you.
Pencil Point juniper needles #625688
Asked April 20, 2020, 1:20 PM EDT
Are the needles on the "Pencil Point" variety of juniper soft-ish or prickly? If prickly, are they too prickly to touch with bare hands? Thank you.
Caledonia County Vermont
Expert Response
I have never touched this particular juniper before so am not sure how prickly it is but looking closer at the foliage, it does look like a prickly one. My suggestion would be to find a local nursery who carries it and then call them and ask them about it. Since it is really narrow, you might not find yourself touching it that often.
I have never touched this particular juniper before so am not sure how prickly it is but looking closer at the foliage, it does look like a prickly one. My suggestion would be to find a local nursery who carries it and then call them and ask them about it. Since it is really narrow, you might not find yourself touching it that often.