
Knitting project books #612456

Asked February 05, 2020, 1:03 AM EST

I was in 4 H in the 1960# and took knitting.  I had project books that i knitted patterns for the county fair.  Do you still do this and if so do you have any old project books?  thank you. Judi Dings

El Paso County Colorado

Expert Response

Here is the contact information for El Paso Co. 4-H:

El Paso County 4-H
Charity Cagle 4-H Leadership Extension Agent
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Emily Tobler 4-H Livestock Extension Agent
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Karla Wiesner 4-H Program Assistant
K<personal data hidden>
CSU Extension, El Paso County
17 N Spruce St, 2nd Floor
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Ruth Willson Replied February 05, 2020, 12:50 PM EST

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