
Sow just farrowed, refuses to breast feed her 8 new born piglets #610533

Asked January 15, 2020, 12:38 PM EST

Sow just farrowed, refuses to breast feed her 8 new born piglets, even attacked 1 and it died of infected injuries. Besides bottle feeding the remaining 7, what can be done to get the sow to feed her piglets?

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response


This can be an issue with sows or gilts at times. There are not any clear cut solutions but I can suggest somethings that I have seen work.

First - calming the sow down or relaxing her - I have seen producers give sows a beer or two to drink. This may settle her down and help.

Second - If you have oxytocin on hand, you can give her a dose, this will help with milk let-down. This also causes contractions, so if a large dose is given, she may lay down because she is cramping...

Good luck!


An Ask Extension Expert Replied January 16, 2020, 11:32 AM EST

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