
Shelby County chinquapin nut variety? #608039

Asked December 07, 2019, 8:42 AM EST

I have read lots of information but am confused as to what variety tree would we have been eating the nuts from Shelby County in the 1960's.  I want to plant some.

Shelby County Texas

Expert Response

Not a specific variety for Shelby county that I know about; limited number for sale on the internet. I reckon that is what you could have eaten. It appears they should be adapted to your area.

Chinquapin Trees

The Chinquapin is a sub-species of the Chestnut family. It grows as a small tree or bush. Chinquapins are delicious eaten right out of the burr in the Fall. Chinquapins have a single nut in the burr, unlike chestnuts that have nut divisions. They are understory trees that grow in our native forests. However, heavy logging throughout the U.S has made finding native chinquapin trees harder than ever.The chinquapin tree is excellent for fresh eating, roasting, or for wildlife food. Willis Orchard Company offers these rare trees on a limited supply. 

Good luck!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 16, 2019, 7:37 AM EST

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