
Can I start a vegetable garden after weed killer #573448

Asked June 24, 2019, 9:05 AM EDT

We just stopped our crabgrass/broadleaf killer service and I was hoping to start a vegetable garden but am worried about the poison effects on our health. Am I restricted to a raised garden bed now? How long does the poison stay in the soil? Also do I have to worry about old lead in the soil if my house was built in the 1960’s? Thank you!

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- we recommend that all gardeners have their vegetable plots tested for lead. Th basic UDEL test includes soil lead:

To determine if there are residual risks from the lawn herbicides you need to know
which active ingredients were in the products applied by the lawn care service.

You can then look the pesticide labels up on line.

You can also get guidance from the National Pesticide Information Center:


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