
Fall Fiesta sugar maple stays green #369293

Asked October 11, 2016, 11:11 AM EDT

Hello, I planted a fall fiesta sugar maple about three years ago in partial sun/sandy soil, using black dirt/peat to fill the hole. It has grown nicely, filling out and producing full branches and leaves. I am disappointed that it will not turn colors in the fall. The description noted it is best in partial shade conditions, so I'm wondering if the soil needs help. We fertilize with a couple buckets of Miracle Grow, but do we need to supplement with something else? Thank you.

Wright County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for the question.  Your question implies that your tree has never developed fall colors.  If this is the case, it's possible that you don't have the tree you think you do.  Some sugar maples are grafted onto different tree rootstock which isn't genetically programmed to develop fall color or maybe you have a different variety of maple. For example, silver and Norway maple trees don't change color as much in the fall.  It could be that the fall fiesta maple grafting didn't "take" and the tree you have is whatever the a maple was grafted onto.  You might want to check with the nursery where you purchased the tree to find out for sure.  
There isn't any fertilizer you can apply that will change the situation.  In fact, most shade trees don't require much additional fertilizer at all.
Here are some publications that discuss why leaves change color in the fall and the fall fiesta sugar maple in detail:

Thank you for contacting Extension.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 14, 2016, 9:07 AM EDT
Thsnk you, Anita. It is a Fall Fiesta for certain (I have the tag). The strange thing is I bought it in the fall so did see orange and red then. It's the second sugar maple to fail colors in this spot. My guess is it's either soil or sunlight, so maybe as it grows it can obtain whatever nutrients it lacks. Thanks again.
The Question Asker Replied October 14, 2016, 12:40 PM EDT
Even though the tag indicates fall fiesta, it may have been mislabeled.  If it's the 2nd maple to disappoint you in this spot, it certainly could also be the conditions.  If it's growing well and looks nice, give it awhile and see what happens.  Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 14, 2016, 6:49 PM EDT

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