Leap year my birthday my youth - Ask Extension
My birthday is november 17 im born on 1988 but its so late in the year you could say 1989 or even 1990 but youd have to plug in the two years nov and ...
Leap year my birthday my youth #355851
Asked August 23, 2016, 1:59 PM EDT
My birthday is november 17 im born on 1988 but its so late in the year you could say 1989 or even 1990 but youd have to plug in the two years nov and dec thats not discussed and we are all 29 at 30 essentially anyways so my question is can you provide me with help its important im trying to complete older classes thank you ? Im 27 but i dont know if im 28 or 27 for two years or just 25 ? Could be niether i turn 28 in three so months persay thanks
I was curious on a ? Of age determines. Well my age or ect i know about the leapyear and the effects what i do not understand is which year does it apply. In all reality were all a year or so younger cause of the different birthday 12 month system my birthdays november 17 th 1988 iamborn on a leapyear but am i a leapyear who knows right. ? Lol so what id like to ask does being born so late in the 88 year it could be a whole year 2 or so years since its november and the next years are 89 90 are so close is it fairto say my actual age may be younger then the numbered calender suspects my name is paul please take this assist. ?
Sacramento County California
Expert Response
Thank you for contacting eXtension. The mean length of each calendar year is slightly less than 365.25 days. Every four years an "extra" day is added to the end of the month of February to account for the accumulated partial days. There is no change in the actual length of the year and the leap year would have no effect on a person's age in years.
You can read more about the leap year here:
You can read more about the leap year here: