How do we remove Carpenter Bees from our home? - Ask Extension
My wife and I attended and worked for PSU in the early 1960's. So, we value PSU information. Your web site has an article about Carpenter Bees but we...
How do we remove Carpenter Bees from our home? #314653
Asked April 19, 2016, 2:53 PM EDT
My wife and I attended and worked for PSU in the early 1960's. So, we value PSU information. Your web site has an article about Carpenter Bees but we would like more information on the long term removal of the bees from our home. We have a continuing expansion of the bees. They are "drilling" into the wood under our aluminum siding. We started with one hole and over a few years it has grown to five. The siding is marked and the fine wood dust covers the lower shingles and falls on our deck. We plan to have the aluminum siding around the affected area removed. Wood replaced and the siding replaced. How can we treat the wood so that the bees will not return or move to another part of our home? Our phone number is<personal data hidden> if this is confusing to you.
Warren County Ohio
Expert Response
Yes, it is the season for carpenter bees. They are busy flying around doing there thing; to annoy us!
I assume that the article you refer to is our fact sheet? Just in case, here is the link to Penn State's info on carpenter bees -
There are several options:
I assume that the article you refer to is our fact sheet? Just in case, here is the link to Penn State's info on carpenter bees -
There are several options:
- Use an insecticide (the fact sheet describes that pretty well
- paint the wood, these bees readily utilize wood that is bare and unprotected. Painting is best followed by staining or wood preservative
- consider using some traps, a University of Florida fact sheet at has some info on that. it might be best to just google "carpenter bee trap' to see some plans on how to build those