Dead Dogwood Tree - Ask Extension
last year the tree looked poorly, this year it looks leafless and dead. it was probably from the original 1960 landscape. the other dogwoods in the ...
Dead Dogwood Tree #313486
Asked April 14, 2016, 7:34 PM EDT
last year the tree looked poorly, this year it looks leafless and dead. it was probably from the original 1960 landscape. the other dogwoods in the neighborhood are blooming and beautiful.
1. any thoughts on what could have killed it?
2. what other ornamental tree can we plant in its place, full sun, sprinkler system--a tree that would not be susceptible to any possible dogwood fungi etc.
Polk County Oregon
Expert Response
There is no way to guess what killed your dogwood without examining it - it could have been stressed by drought, construction damage to the roots, disease, or other causes.
There are many fine trees which could serve as a replacement. The OSU Extension Service has an excellent publication, "Selecting, Planting and Caring for a New Tree", which suggests several trees for different site. It is available at
There are many fine trees which could serve as a replacement. The OSU Extension Service has an excellent publication, "Selecting, Planting and Caring for a New Tree", which suggests several trees for different site. It is available at