
Mature Maple Tree looks tired #293788

Asked December 15, 2015, 3:06 PM EST

I have a mature maple tree in my back yard We have not done much with this tree, but I noticed this last year that it did not look robust. I know that it was a drought year, but I wondered if feeding the tree might help. The house dates from 1960 and the tree is likely close to the same vintage. It is in the middle of a flat lawn. I assume that 1) I would need to test the soil,2) select fertilizer based on these tests. If this is correct are any of the soil testing labs listed on this web site more appropriate than others? What is the best source for high quality fertilizer that is likely to be of maximum benefit to the tree without causing pollution? Thank you

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

A thinning canopy can be caused by many things.  It seems to be primarily on one side of the tree, so look closely at the trunk on that side for cankers or dead areas, peeling bark.  Also look at the base of the trunk for girdling roots above or below ground that could be strangling the tree on that side.  A trunk that is flat as it enters the soil, instead of flaring outwards, can be a sign of a girdling root.

Read through our articles on abiotic plant problems by clicking on Publication (right side of home page) then Problems > Ornamentals . There are several articles such as "Common Abiotic Plant Problems" that may be helpful. 

 If you have been grasscycling (letting grass clipping lay and decompose on the lawn) and mowing some of the fallen leaves so they can feed your lawn, your tree should not need feeding further.  However, if you want to do a soil test, the info you need is on the right side of the homepage and we recommend any of the labs in the chart. The results you get will give you fertilizer recommendations. You may want to fertilize with compost or an organic soil amendment rather than a synthetic one.  When you fertilize your lawn, that fertilizer usually feeds a tree too. 

 After many years of mowing, one of the biggest problems is that soil is compacted, preventing water from penetrating the soil.  You might want to consider aerating the lawn. Read over the publication "Lawn Maintenance, Renovation and Overseeding."  Also, there are articles about fertilizing trees. 

 A wide mulch strip around a tree has recently been proven to have a very beneficial impact on trees.  Don't pile mulch to it touches the trunk. 


A thinning canopy can be caused by many things.  It seems to be primarily on one side of the tree, so look closely at the trunk on that side for cankers or dead areas, peeling bark.  Also look at the base of the trunk for girdling roots above or below ground that could be strangling the tree on that side.  A trunk that is flat as it enters the soil, instead of flaring outwards, can be a sign of a girdling root.

Read through our articles on abiotic plant problems by clicking on Publication (right side of home page) then Problems > Ornamentals . There are several articles such as "Common Abiotic Plant Problems" that may be helpful. 

 If you have been grasscycling (letting grass clipping lay and decompose on the lawn) and mowing some of the fallen leaves so they can feed your lawn, your tree should not need feeding further.  However, if you want to do a soil test, the info you need is on the right side of the homepage and we recommend any of the labs in the chart. The results you get will give you fertilizer recommendations. You may want to fertilize with compost or an organic soil amendment rather than a synthetic one.  When you fertilize your lawn, that fertilizer usually feeds a tree too. 

 After many years of mowing, one of the biggest problems is that soil is compacted, preventing water from penetrating the soil.  You might want to consider aerating the lawn. Read over the publication "Lawn Maintenance, Renovation and Overseeding."  Also, there are articles about fertilizing trees. 

 A wide mulch strip around a tree has recently been proven to have a very beneficial impact on trees.  Don't pile mulch to it touches the trunk. 


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