
Tailless Raccoons #289179

Asked November 06, 2015, 11:17 PM EST

Do you know anything about tailless raccoons? Ones born with a normal tail in the Spring, and by Fall losing their tail where it connected with their body? We have quite a few around here (Sunny Hill North Bend OR) and twice I have spotted one running away showing a pink wound where the tail came off. A near neighbor has spotted whole families of them.

Coos County Oregon

Expert Response

The missing tail could be due to an injury inflicted by another raccoon. Apparently some raccoons, especially when they're still young and with their littermates, carry the tussling for dominance to a point of injury. Because the pursued individual is likely trying to get away from the biter, the hindquarters and tail often receive the brunt of the damage. I'm not sure about how or why an entire family group would be similarly damaged, though.
Dr. Dana Sanchez Replied November 09, 2015, 4:55 PM EST
Thanks, Dana. I thought it might be something like that, inherent in raccoon behavior. I get frequent visits from what I think is the alpha boar and he is a mean piece of work. I have seen him (and his predecessors over the years) behaving very aggressively towards the kits when they are just learning to feed from dishes of cat food in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, my wife and a neighbor lady feel very sorry for feral cats and leave food outside for them. Again thanks for the reply.
The Question Asker Replied November 10, 2015, 6:53 PM EST

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