
My name is Kathleen Dean,... #257139

Asked June 25, 2015, 5:18 PM EDT

My name is Kathleen Dean, my late husband Don Dean was from Ironton (grad '52). His mother lived on Porter Gap Road. Ma Dean had a vine growing on her side porch. For want of a better word, it was a "Potato Vine". At least, a tiny-like potato grew on the vine. I never tried to eat it. [smile] I have tried to find out what the name of this vine was though. No one in the area, in the 1960's knew what the name of the vine was. I just know that Ma Dean had the vine growing up a trellis that shaded the porch and gave her some privacy. I have been a Master Gardener Volunteer [MGV] since 2005 in Knox County Ohio plus as of 2013 I am also an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist [OCVN]. I am always looking for interesting plants to grow. I am sorry I cannot tell you anymore about this "Potato Vine" accept the tiny potato was only about 1/2-inch long. It would be ice to visit your MG group sometime. Thanks for your help.

Knox County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Kathleen,

We are always on the look out for a new interesting plant. If you could provide a description of the leaf, we may be able to be of more help. Please try googling "small potato fruit on vine" and look at the images provided. Let us know if you find a photo similar to your recollection of what grew at Ma Dean's house.

With that said, I did find a plant called an Air Potato that is in the yam family that sounds like what you have described. The reason I am doubtful is that this is a plant that is generally in the south. However, there may have been a micro-environment that made conditions right for it to grow at Ma Dean's.

Please check out this link:
It is an invasive plant in Florida and other south states so you may want to think twice before planting it.  In fact, view this article on how invasive it is:

I hope we will see you at the State MGV Conference in August. This is a wonderful event and allows you to meet MGVs from around the state and hear what they are doing.

Best regards,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 26, 2015, 2:18 PM EDT

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