Native grasses - Ask Extension
What native grass is recommended for Fort Bend County in Texas, or another type of grass that does not require so much water and care.
Native grasses #173382
Asked April 05, 2014, 11:38 PM EDT
What native grass is recommended for Fort Bend County in Texas, or another type of grass that does not require so much water and care.
Fort Bend County Texas
Expert Response
There are really no turf-quality native grasses that are attractive in home lawns. Bermudagrass (not native to the US) is great and much more drought tolerant, insect resistant and disease resistant than St. Augustine. Next best is Centipede, however Centipede is quite expensive to start. Thrid would be Carpetgrass. Carpetgrass has a wide blade and most will say it looks like shag carpet of the 1960's.