
Soil Prep after new construction #144951

Asked August 02, 2013, 9:34 PM EDT

We just built a house and the builder used "sandy loam" to fill.  Fortunately, the dirt from our septic field was used first so we only have about 4 inches of loam until you hit native dirt. The loam used is pink (horrible from what I gather) and not the dark brown/fertile stuff. Our native dirt is clay.  So Im thinking of tilling it to 8-12 inches and adding compost.  The question: how much compost and what type?

Williamson County Texas

Expert Response

Native clay soil is usually rich in nutrients, but often has structure and tilth issues with low pore space for air and water.
Adding 4-5 inches of any organic-based compost and tilliing it into the top 8-10 inches will improve your top soil and make a great seed bed ffor your landscape.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 03, 2013, 4:01 AM EDT

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