1 jar of jam remained liquid after canning - Ask Extension
I made a batch of blueberry jam and canned them in 4 oz mason jars using a water bath. I also filled two pint size containers with the same jam mixtu...
1 jar of jam remained liquid after canning #144234
Asked July 30, 2013, 4:05 PM EDT
I made a batch of blueberry jam and canned them in 4 oz mason jars using a water bath. I also filled two pint size containers with the same jam mixture but did not use the water bath because they were going into the refrigerator to be consumed within the next week or two. One of the 4 oz jars never firmed up and remained a complete liquid. What happened?
Cumberland County Virginia
Expert Response
Since only one jar did not gel there is no one good answer. You may contact me at <personal data hidden> or by cell phone,<personal data hidden>, I am in Nottoway county and have taught canning classes in Cumberland. I would be happy to review the process you used and try to help you figure out what happened to the one jar.